Titanium Zinc Cladding Systems

Titanium zinc has become increasingly popular in our country in recent years. Worldwide, it is used as a traditional roof cladding insulation material in countries in Europe, East Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. Titanium zinc is the most preferred roofing insulation material in modern structures such as villas, residential buildings, conference halls, exhibition areas, etc.

The main reasons for its popularity are that it gives the structure a modern appearance, the method of mixing titanium with zinc extends the lifespan of zinc by 4-5 times, and the rich variety of color and pigment options available. Titanium zinc also has alternative cladding systems. There are alternatives that can create visual differences, such as the standing seam system, ardouise system, batten seam system, and internal locking (interlocking) system, among others.

The underlying insulation systems of titanium zinc are quite different from lead cladding systems. Titanium zinc can be quickly affected by chemical reactions and the oxidation of other metals, leading to damage and perforations. For this reason, resin-free yellow pine and similar wood materials are preferred for the underlying structure. Additionally, ventilation methods that may come into contact with the zinc are used in these systems to extend the lifespan of titanium zinc.

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